Oxman, K., Kuabara, K. & S. O'Donnell. In press. The terrestrial isopod Porcellionides pruinosus as a facultative ant guest along foraging trails and inside Messor ebeninus nests in the Negev Desert. Insectes Sociaux.


Valdivia, C., J. Newton, S. O'Donnell, C. von Beeren, D. Kronauer, J. Russell, & P. Lukasik. 2023. Microbial symbionts are shared between ants and their associated beetles. Environmental Microbiology 25: 3466-3483.

Barrett M., N. Tigreros, G. Davidowitz, & S. O’Donnell. 2023. Impact of body size on critical thermal maxima in female Centris pallida bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Ecological Entomology. DOI: 10.1111/een.13272 

O'Donnell,S. & K.M. Baudier. 2023. Significant colony differences in thermal tolerances and decoupling of high and low critical temperatures in the army ant Eciton burchellii parvispinum. Ecological Entomology een.13258 

Barrett, M. & S. O'Donnell. 2023. Individual reflectance of solar radiation as a thermoregulatory adaptation to microclimate: A test in dimorphic male bees (Centris pallida). PLoS ONE 18: e0271250


O'Donnell, S., S.J. Bulova & M. Barrett. 2022. Brain plasticity indicates key cognitive demands in an animal society: caste comparisons in dampwood termites. Insectes Sociaux 69: 307-314

Barrett, M., A. Kang, A. Gomez, D. Kainth, & S. O'Donnell. 2022. Nest architecture, prey, and body size in grass-carrying wasps Isodontia auripes (Fernald) at two sites in New York (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae). Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 94: 199-212

O'Donnell, S. & C. Gallen. 2022. The evolution of head size hypoallometry: biomechanical implications and brain investment as a possible cause. Arthropod Structure and Development 101175. DOI: 10.1016/j.asd.2022.101175

Fiocca, K., R. Congdon, & S. O'Donnell. 2022. Body size correlations with female aggression and physiology suggest pre-adult effects on caste in an independent-founding eusocial paper wasp (Mischocyttarus pallidipectus Hymenoptera: Vespidae). Ethology Ecology and Evolution. DOI: 10.1080/03949370.2021.2024270.

Baudier., K.M., M.M. Bennett, M. Barrett, FJ. Cossio, R. Wu, S. O’Donnell, T.P. Pavlic, & J.H. Fewell. 2022. Soldier neural architecture is flexibly modality-specialized but poorly predicted by repertoire size in the stingless bee Tetragonisca angustula. Journal of Comparative Neurology 530: 672-682.



Caponera, V., L. Avilés, M. Barrett, & S. O'Donnell. 2021. Behavioral attributes of social groups determine the strength and direction of selection on neural investment. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9: 733228.

O'Donnell, S., S.J. Bulova, & M. Barret. 2021. Experience-expectant brain plasticity corresponds to caste-specific abiotic challenges in dampwood termites (Zootermopsis angusticollis and Z. nevadensis). Science of Nature 108: 57.

Da Costa Reis, M., J. Reintjes, D. Chen, & S. O'Donnell. 2021. Predation on nests of three species of Amazon River turtles (Podocnemis) by underground-foraging army ants (Labidus coecus). Insectes Sociaux 68: 277-281.

Barrett, M., S. Schneider, P. Sachdeva, A. Gomez, S. Buchmann, & S. O'Donnell. 2021. Neuroanatomical differentiation associated with alternative reproductive tactics in male arid land bees, Centris pallida and Amegilla dawsoni. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 207: 497-504.

Detoni, M., X. Féas, R.L. Jeanne, K.J. Loope, S. O'Donnell, D. Santoro, S. Sumner, A.L. Toth, & J.M. Jandt. 2021. Evolutionary and ecological pressures shaping social wasps' collective defense. Annals of the Entomological Society of America. https://doi.org/10.1093/aesa/saaa063

O'Donnell, S., K. Fiocca, & R. Congdon. 2021. Social network analysis of male dominance in the paper wasp Mischocyttarus mastigophorus. Journal of Insect Behavior 34: 106-113.

O'Donnell, S., J. Lattke, S. Powell & M. Kaspari. 2021. Diurnal and nocturnal foraging specialization in Neotropical army ants. Ecological Entomology 46: 352-359.



O'Donnell, S., S. Bulova, V. Caponera, K. Oxman, & I. Giladi. 2020. Species differ in worker body size effects on critical thermal limits in seed-harvesting desert ants (Messor ebeninus and M. arenarius). Insectes Sociaux 67: 473-479.

Fiocca, K., K. Capobianco, E. Fanwick, K. Moynahan, R. Congdon, P. Zelanko, S. O'Donnell, D. Velinsky. 2020. Reproductive physiology corresponds to adult nutrition and task performance in a Neotropical paper wasp: a test of dominance-nutrition hypothesis predictions. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 74: 114.

O’Donnell S. (2020) Caste, Social Insects. Encyclopedia of Social Insects (C.K. Starr. Ed.) pp. 188-192.*Email me to request a copy.

Soare T.W., A. Kumar, K.A. Naish & S. O'Donnell. 2020. Multi-year genetic sampling indicates maternal gene flow via colony emigrations in the army ant Eciton burchellii parvispinum. Insectes Sociaux 67: 155-166.

Barrett, M. V. Caponera, C. McNair, S. O’Donnell, & D.R. Marenda. 2020. Potential for use of erythritol as a socially-transferrable ingested insecticide for ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Journal of Economic Entomology 113: 1382-1388.

Barrett, M., K. Fiocca, E. Waddell, C. McNair, S. O'Donnell, & D. Marenda. 2020. Larval mannitol diets increase mortality, prolong development, and decrease adult body sizes in fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster). Biology Open 8 (12): bio047084.



Baudier, K.M. & S. O’Donnell. 2019. Rain shadow effects predict population differences in thermal tolerance of leaf-cutting ant workers (Atta cephalotes). Biotropica 52: 113-119.

Caponera, V., M. Barrett, D.R. Marenda, & S. O'Donnell. 2019. Erythritol ingestion causes concentration-dependent mortality in subterranean termites (Reticulitermites flavipes). Journal of Economic Entomology 113: 348-352.

O'Donnell, S. 2019. Mischocyttarus. Encyclopedia of Social Insects (C.K. Starr. Ed.) pp. 593-598. *Email me to request a copy.

O'Donnell, S. 2019. Brain development and brain evolution. Encyclopedia of Social Insects (C.K. Starr. Ed.). pp. 131-133.*Email me to request a copy.

O'Donnell, S., S. Bulova, S. Deleon, M. Barrett, & K. Fiocca. 2019. Brain structure differences between solitary and social wasps are independent of body size allometry. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 205: 911-916.

O'Donnell, S. 2019. Observation of a Nocturnal Curassow with fledgling chicks in eastern Ecuador (Nothocrax urumutum Spix 1825) (Galliformes: Cracidae). Cotinga 41: 119.

O'Donnell, S. 2019. Head-to-body size allometry in wasps (Vespidae): does brain housing constrain the evolution of small body sizes? Insectes Sociaux 66: 647-651.

Fiocca, K., M. Barrett, E. Waddell, C. McNair, S. O'Donnell, & D.R. Marenda. 2019. Mannitol ingestion causes concentration-dependent, sex-biased mortality in adults of the fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster). PLoS ONE 14(5): e0213760.

Baudier, K., C. D'Amelio, E. Sulger, M.P. O'Connor, & S. O'Donnell. 2019. Plastic collective endothermy in a complex animal society (army ant bivouacs: Eciton burchellii parvispinum). Ecography 42: 730-739.



Baudier, K.M. & S. O'Donnell. 2018. Complex worker subcaste differences in thermal tolerances in the army ant Eciton burchellii parvispinum. Journal of Thermal Biology 77: 278-280.

Baudier K.M., C.L. D'Amelio, R. Malhotra, M.P. O'Connor & S. O'Donnell. 2018. Extreme insolation: climatic variation shapes the evolution of thermal tolerance at different scales. American Naturalist 192: 347-359.

Gilkey P., D. Bolshakov, J. Kowala, L. Taylor, S. O'Donnell, D. Marenda, & L. Sirot. 2018. Lethal effects of erythritol on the mosquito Aedes aegypti Linnaeus (Diptera: Culicidae). Journal of Applied Entomology 42: 873-881.

O'Donnell, S., S. Bulova, M. Barrett, & C. von Beeren. 2018. Brain investment under colony-level selection: soldier specialization in Eciton army ants (Formicidae: Dorylinae). BMC Zoology 3:3 (open access).

O'Donnell, S., K. Fiocca, M. Campbell, S. Bulova, P. Zelanko, & D. Velinsky. 2018. Adult nutrition and reproductive physiology: a stable isotope analysis in a eusocial paper wasp (Mischocyttarus mastigophorus, Hymenoptera: Vespidae). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 76: 86.

O'Donnell, S. 2018. The neurobiology of climate change. Science of Nature/Naturwissenschaften 105: 11.

O'Donnell, S., S.J. Bulova, M. Barrett, & K. Fiocca. 2018. Size constraints and sensory adaptations affect mosaic brain evolution (paper wasps- Vespidae: Epiponini). Biological Journal of the Linnaean Society 123: 302-310.

Nelson A.S., T.J. Scott, M. Barczyk, T. P. McGlynn, A. Avalos, E. Clifton, A. Das, A. Figueiredo, L. Figueroa, M. Janowiecki, S. Pahlke, J. Rana, & S.O'Donnell. 2018. Day/night thermal tolerances differ within Ectatomma ruidum ant colonies. Insectes Sociaux 65:183-189.

Driver R.W., S.D. DeLeon, & S. O'Donnell. 2018. Novel observation of a raptor (Micrastur semitorquatus) predating a fleeing snake (Squamata: Serpentina) at an army ant raid front (Eciton burchellii parvispinum). Wilson Journal of Ornithology 130: 792-796.

O'Connor M.P. & S. O'Donnell. 2018. Implications of iterative communication for biological system performance. Journal of Theoretical Biology 436: 93-104.



O'Donnell, S., S.J. Bulova, S. DeLeon, M. Barrett, & K. Fiocca. 2017. Caste-differences in the mushroom bodies of swarm-founding paperwasps: implications for brain plasticity and brain evolution (Vespidae, Epiponini). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 71: 116.

O'Donnell S. & T. McGlynn. 2017. Emigrating on the fly: a novel method of army ant colony movement observed in Eciton mexicanum. Journal of Insect Behavior 30: 471-474.

O'Donnell, S. & S.J. Bulova. 2017. Development and evolution of brain allometry in wasps (Vespidae): Size, ecology and sociality. Current Opinion in Insect Science 22: 54-61.

Baudier, K.M. & S. O'Donnell. 2017. Weak links: How colonies counter the social costs of individual variation in thermal physiology. Current Opinion in Insect Science 22: 85-91.

O'Donnell, S., K.M. Baudier & D.R. Marenda. 2017. Erythritol ingestion impairs adult reproduction and causes larval mortality in Drosophila melanogaster fruit flies (Diptera: Drosophilidae). Journal of Applied Entomology 142: 36-42.

O'Donnell., S. 2017. Evidence for facilitation among avian army-ant attendants: specialization and species associations across elevations. Biotropica 49: 665-674.

Esch, C., J. Peña Jimenez, C. Peretz, H. Uno, & S. O'Donnell. 2017. Thermal tolerances differ between diurnal and nocturnal foragers in the ant Ectatomma ruidum. Insectes Sociaux 64: 439-444.

Lukasik, P., J.A. Newton, J.G. Sanders, Y. Hu, C.S. Moreau, D.J.C. Kronauer, S. O'Donnell, R. Koga, & J.A. Russell. 2017. The structured diversity of specialized gut symbionts of the New World army ants. Molecular Ecology 26: 3808-3825.



Baudier K.M. & S. O'Donnell. 2016. Structure and thermal biology of subterranean army ant bivouacs in a tropical montane forest. Insectes Sociaux 63: 467-476.

O'Donnell, S., K.M. Baudier & D.R. Marenda. 2016. Non-nutritive polyol sweeteners differ in insecticidal activity when ingested by adult Drosophila melanogaster (Diptera: Drosophilidae). Journal of Insect Science. 16: 47.

Bulova S., K. Purce, P. Khodak, E. Sulger & S. O'Donnell. 2016. Into the black, and back: The ecology of brain investment in Neotropical army ants (Formicidae: Dorylinae). Science of Nature/Naturwissenschaften 103: 31.



O'Donnell S., S.J. Bulova, S. DeLeon, P. Khodak, S. Miller, & E. Sulger. 2015. Distributed cognition and social brains: reductions in mushroom body investment accompanied the origins of sociality in wasps (Hymenoptera: Vespidae). Proceedings of the Royal Society B 282: 20150791.

Baudier K.M., A. E. Mudd, S.C. Erickson, & S. O'Donnell. 2015. Microhabitat and body size effects on heat tolerance: implications for responses to climate change (army ants: Formicidae, Ecitoninae). Journal of Animal Ecology 84: 1322-1330.

Arcilla N., L.H. Hollbech, & S. O'Donnell. 2015. Severe declines of understory birds follow illegal logging in Upper Guinea forests of Ghana, West Africa. Biological Conservation 188: 41-49.

McCann S., T. Jones, O. Moeri, C. Scott, S. O'Donnell & G. Gries. 2015. Red-throated Caracara, a falconid raptor, rivals predatory impact of army ants on social wasps. Insectes Sociaux 62: 101-108.

Rehan S.M, S.J. Bulova, & S. O'Donnell. 2015. Cumulative effects of foraging behavior and social dominance on brain development in a facultatively social bee (Ceratina australensis). Brain, Behavior and Evolution 85: 117-124.



O'Donnell S., A. Kumar & C.J. Logan. 2014. Do Nearctic migrant birds compete with residents at army ant raids? A geographical and seasonal analysis. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 126: 474-487.

Sulger E., N. Mcaloon, S.J. Bulova, J. Sapp & S. O'Donnell. 2014. Evidence for adaptive brain tissue reduction in obligate social parasites (Polyergus mexicanus) relative to their hosts (Formica fusca). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 113: 415-422.

O'Donnell S., M.R. Clifford, S. Deleon, C. Papa, N. Zahedi & S.J. Bulova. 2014. A test of neuroecological predictions using paperwasp caste differences in brain structure (Hymenoptera: Vespidae). Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology 68: 529-536.

Soare T.W., A. Kumar, K.A. Naish & S. O'Donnell. 2014. Genetic evidence for habitat effects on colony dispersal in the army ant Eciton burchellii. Molecular Ecology 23: 96-109.

Baudier K.M., S.D. Kaschock-Marenda, N. Patel, K.L. Diangelus, S. O'Donnell, & D.R. Marenda. 2014. Erythritol, a non-nutritive sugar alcohol sweetener and the main component of Truvia®, is a palatable ingested insecticide. PLOS ONE. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0098949



O'Donnell, S., & J.H. Hunt. 2013. Group hunting by two species of Neotropical swarm-founding paper wasps (Parachartergus apicalis and Agelaia sp., Hymenoptera: Vespidae). Insectes Sociaux 60: 369-372.

O'Donnell S., M.R. Clifford, S. DeLeon, C. Papa, N. Zahedi & S.J. Bulova. 2013. Brain size and visual environment predict species differences in paperwasp sensory processing brain regions (Hymenoptera: Vespidae, Polistinae). Brain Behavior and Evolution 82: 177-184.

McCann S., O. Moeri, T. Jones, C. Scott, G. Khaskin, R. Gries, S. O'Donnell, & G. Gries. 2013. Strike fast, strike hard: the Red-throated Caracara exploits absconding behavior of social wasps during nest predation. PLOS ONE 8: e84114.



Laurance, W.F, D.C. Useche, J. Rendeiro, … S. O'Donnell, et al. 2012. Averting biodiversity collapse in tropical forest protected areas. Nature. doi:10.1038/nature11318. Published online 25 July 2012.

O'Donnell, S., C.J. Logan & N.S. Clayton. 2012. Specializations of birds that attend army ant raids: an ecological approach to cognitive and behavioral studies. Behavioural Processes 91: 267-274.

Chavarria Pizarro, L., H.F. McCreery, S.P. Lawson, M.E. Winston, & S. O'Donnell. 2012. Sodium-specific foraging by leafcutter ant workers (Atta cephalotes, Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Ecological Entomology 37: 435-438.


Published while on the Faculty at the University of Washington (1996-2011)


Logan, C., S. O'Donnell, & N. Clayton. 2011. A case of mental time travel in ant-following birds? Behavioral Ecology 22: 1149-1153.

O'Donnell, S., M.R. Clifford, & Y. Molina. 2011. A comparative analysis of constraints and caste differences in brain investment among social paper wasps. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 108: 7107-7112.

Kaspari, M., S. Powell, J. Lattke, & S. O'Donnell. 2011. Predation and patchiness in the tropical litter: do swarm-raiding army ants skim the cream or drain the bottle? Journal of Animal Ecology 80: 818-823.

Soare, T.W., S.I. Tully, S.K. Willson, D.J.C. Kronauer & S. O'Donnell. 2011. Choice of nest site protects army ant colonies from environmental extremes in tropical montane forest. Insectes Sociaux 58: 299-308.

O'Donnell, S., M. Kaspari, A. Kumar, J. Lattke & S. Powell. 2011. Elevational and geographic variation in army ant swarm raid rates. Insectes Sociaux 58: 293-298.

Kronauer, D.J.C., S. O'Donnell, J.J. Boomsma, & N.E. Pierce. 2011. Strict monandry in the ponerine army ant genus Simopelta suggests that colony size and complexity drive mating system evolution in social insects. Molecular Ecology 20: 420-428.



O'Donnell, S., M. Garcia, J. Beard, T. Chiwocha, D. Lewis, C. Liu, H. Phillips, & T. Williams. 2010. Leaf cutter ants (Atta cephalotes) harvest baits offering salt rewards. Insectes Sociaux 57: 205-208.

Lattke, J., S. O'Donnell, S. Powell, M. Kaspari. 2010. Las hormigas ecitoninas de Venezuela (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Ecitoninae): elenco preliminar. Entomotropica, 22: 153-170.

McCann, S., O. Moeri, T. Jones, S. O'Donnell & G. Gries. 2010. Nesting and nest provisioning of the Red-throated Caracara (Ibycter americanus). Journal of Raptor Research 44: 236-240.

O'Donnell, S., A. Kumar & C. Logan. 2010. Army ant raid attendance and bivouac-checking behavior by Neotropical montane forest birds. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 122: 503-512.



Smith, A.R., K.M. Kapheim, S. O'Donnell & W.T. Wcislo. 2009. Social competition but not subfertility leads to a division of labour in the facultatively social sweat bee Megalopta genalis (Hymenoptera: Halictidae). Animal Behaviour 78: 1043-1050. Featured in the In Focus section of journal.

Molina, Y., Harris, R. & S. O'Donnell. 2009. Brain organization mirrors the evolution of caste determination, colony founding and nest architecture in paper wasps (Hymenoptera: Vespidae). Proceedings of the Royal Society B 276: 3345-3351.

Molina, Y. & S. O'Donnell. 2009. Males exhibit novel relationships of dominance with nest departure in the social paper wasp Mischocyttarus mastigophorus (Hymenoptera: Vespidae). Ethology 115: 738-746.

Jones, T.A., N.A. Donlan & S. O'Donnell. 2009. Growth and pruning of mushroom body Kenyon cell dendrites during worker behavioral development in the paper wasp, Polybia aequatorialis (Hymenoptera: Vespidae). Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 92: 485-495 and Journal cover.

O'Donnell, S., J. Lattke, S. Powell & M. Kaspari. 2009. Species and site differences in Neotropical army ant emigration behavior. Ecological Entomology 34: 476-482.

Kumar, A., J.T. Longino, R.K. Colwell & S. O'Donnell. 2009. Elevational patterns of diversity and abundance of eusocial paper wasps (Vespidae) in Costa Rica. Biotropica 41: 338-346.

Molina, Y. & S. O'Donnell. 2009. Worker reproductive competition affects division of labour in a primitively social paperwasp (Polistes instabilis). Insectes Sociaux 56: 14-20.

Kumar, A. & S. O'Donnell. 2009. Elevation and forest clearing effects on foraging differ between surface and subterranean army ants (Formicidae: Ecitoninae). Journal of Animal Ecology 78: 91-97.



Molina, Y. & S. O'Donnell. 2008. A developmental test of the dominance-nutrition hypothesis: Linking adult feeding, aggression, and reproductive potential in the paperwasp Mischocyttarus mastigophorus. Ethology, Ecology & Evolution 20: 125-139.

Smith, A.R., W.T. Wcislo, & S. O'Donnell. 2008. Body size shapes caste expression, and cleptoparasitism reduces body size in the facultatively eusocial bees Megalopta (Halictidae). Journal of Insect Behavior 21: 394-406.

Molina, Y. & S. O'Donnell. 2008. Age, sex, and dominance-related mushroom body plasticity in the paperwasp Mischocyttarus mastigophorus. Developmental Neurobiology 68: 950-959.



O'Donnell, S. & S.J. Bulova. 2007. Worker connectivity: a simulation model of variation in worker communication and its effects on task performance. Insectes Sociaux 54:203-210.

O'Donnell, S. & S.J. Bulova. 2007. Worker connectivity: a review of the design of worker communication systems and their effects on task performance in insect societies. Insectes Sociaux 54: 211-218.

Smith, A.R., W.T. Wcislo, & S. O'Donnell. 2007 (Published online). Survival and productivity benefits to social nesting in the sweat bee Megalopta genalis (Hymenoptera: Halictidae). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology.

Gardner, K.E., R.L. Foster, & S. O'Donnell. 2007. Experimental analysis of worker division of labor in bumblebee nest thermoregulation (Bombus huntii, Hymenoptera: Apidae). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 61: 783-792.

O'Donnell, S., J. Lattke, S. Powell, & M. Kaspari. 2007. Army ants in four forests: Geographic variation in raid rates and species abundance. Journal of Animal Ecology 76: 580-586.

Molina, Y. & S. O'Donnell. 2007. Mushroom body volume is related to social aggression and ovary development in the paperwasp Polistes instabilis. Brain Behavior and Evolution 70: 137-144.

O'Donnell, S., N.A. Donlan, & T.A. Jones. 2007. Developmental and dominance-associated differences in mushroom body structure in the paper wasp Mischocyttarus mastigophorus. Journal of Neurobiology 67: 39-46 (continued as Developmental Neurobiology).

Kumar, A. & S. O'Donnell. 2007. Fragmentation and elevation effects on bird-army ant interactions in Neotropical montane forest in Costa Rica. Journal of Tropical Ecology 23: 581-590.



O'Donnell, S. 2006. Polybia wasp biting interactions recruit foragers following experimental worker removals. Animal Behaviour 71: 709-715.

O'Donnell, S. & A. Kumar. 2006. Microclimatic factors associated with elevational changes in army ant density in tropical montane forest. Ecological Entomology 31: 491-498.



O'Donnell, S., M. Kaspari, and J. Lattke. 2005. Extraordinary Predation by the Neotropical Army Ant Cheliomyrmex andicola: Implications for the Evolution of the Army Ant Syndrome. Biotropica 37: 706-709.



Foster, R.L., A. Brunskill, D. Verdirame, & S. O'Donnell. 2004. Reproductive physiology, dominance interactions, and division of labour among bumble bee workers. Physiological Entomology 29: 327-334.

O'Donnell, S. & S.N. Beshers. 2004. The role of male disease susceptibility in the evolution of haplodiploid insect societies. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 271: 979-983.

O'Donnell, S., N.A. Donlan, & T.A. Jones. 2004. Mushroom body structural plasticity is associated with temporal polyethism in eusocial wasp workers. Neuroscience Letters 356: 159-162.



O'Donnell, S. 2003. The development of biting interactions and task performance in a tropical eusocial wasp. Behaviour 140: 255-267.

Smith, A.R., W.T. Wcislo, & S. O'Donnell. 2003. Assured fitness returns favor sociality in a mass-provisioning sweat bee, Megalopta genalis (Hymenoptera: Halictidae). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology.

Kaspari, M. & S. O’Donnell. 2003. High rates of army ant raids in the Neotropics and implications for ant colony and community structure. Evolutionary Ecology Research 5:933-939.



Howard, K.J., A.R. Smith, S. O'Donnell & R.L. Jeanne. 2002. Novel method of swarm emigration by the epiponine wasp, Apoica pallens (Hymenoptera: Vespidae). Ethology, Ecology and Evolution 14: 365-371.

Smith, A.R., S. O'Donnell, & R.L. Jeanne. 2002. Evolution of swarm communication in eusocial wasps (Hymenoptera: Vespidae). Journal of Insect Behavior 15: 751-764.

O'Donnell, S. 2002. Caste. In: V. Resh and R.T. Cardé (eds) Encyclopedia of Insects. Academic Press. pp. 151-154. (Proof)

O'Donnell, S. 2002. Colonies. In: V. Resh and R.T. Cardé (eds) Encyclopedia of Insects. Academic Press. pp. 239-242. (Proof)

O'Donnell, S. and R.L. Jeanne. 2002. The nest as fortress: defensive behavior of Polybia emaciata, a mud-nesting eusocial wasp. 5 pp. Journal of Insect Science, 2.3. Available online: http://insectscience.org/2.3



Markiewicz, D.A. & S. O'Donnell. 2001. Social dominance, task performance and nutrition: implications for reproduction in eusocial wasps. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 187: 327-333.

O'Donnell, S. 2001. Worker age, ovary development, and temporal polyethism in the swarm-founding wasp Polybia occidentalis (Hymenoptera: Vespidae). Journal of Insect Behavior 14: 201-213.

Hunt, J.H., S. O'Donnell, N. Chernoff, & C. Brownie. 2001. Observations on two Neotropical Swarm-founding Wasps, Agelaia yepocapa and A. panamaensis (Hymenoptera: Vespidae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America 98: 555-562.

O'Donnell, S. & R.L. Foster. 2001. Thresholds of response in nest thermoregulation by worker bumble bees, Bombus bifarius nearcticus (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Ethology 107: 387-399.

O'Donnell, S. 2001. Worker biting interactions and task performance in a swarm-founding eusocial wasp (Polybia occidentalis, Hymenoptera: Vespidae). Behavioral Ecology12: 353-359.

Smith, A.R., S. O'Donnell, & R.L. Jeanne. 2001. Correlated evolution of colony defense and social structure: a comparative analysis in eusocial wasps (Hymenoptera: Vespidae). Evolutionary Ecology Research 3: 331-344.

O'Donnell, S. & F.J. Joyce. 2001. Seasonality and colony composition in the tropical eusocial wasp Mischocyttarus mastigophorus Richards (Hymenoptera: Vespidae). Biotropica. 33: 468-473.



O'Donnell, S., M. Reichardt, & R.L. Foster. 2000. Individual and colony factors in bumble bee division of labor (Bombus bifarius nearcticus Handl, Hymenoptera: Apidae). Insectes Sociaux 47: 164-170.

Kaspari, M., L. Alonso, & S. O'Donnell. 2000. Three energy variables predict ant abundance at a geographical scale. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 267: 485-489.

O'Donnell, S. 2000. Eusocial wasps (Vespidae: Polistinae). In: N.M. Nadkarni and N.T. Wheelright (eds) Monteverde: Ecology and Conservation of a Tropical Cloud Forest. pp. 129-131 and p. 535. Oxford University Press.

Kaspari, M., S. O'Donnell & J.R. Kercher. 2000. Energy, density, and constraints to species richness: ant assemblages along a productivity gradient. The American Naturalist 155: 280-293.

O'Donnell, S. & F. Joyce. 2000. A dual mimicry complex involving eusocial wasps (Hymenoptera: Vespidae). In: N.M. Nadkarni and N.T. Wheelright (eds) Monteverde: Ecology and Conservation of a Tropical Cloud Forest. pp. 131-132. Oxford University Press.



O'Donnell, S. & F.J. Joyce. 1999. Dual mimicry in the dimorphic eusocial wasp, Mischocyttarus mastigophorus Richards. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 66:501-514.

Ranger, S. & S. O'Donnell. 1999. Genotypic effects on forager behavior in the Neotropical stingless bee Partamona bilineata (Hymenoptera: Meliponidae). Naturwissenschaften 86: 187-190.

O'Donnell, S. 1999. The function of male dominance in the eusocial wasp Mischocyttarus mastigophorus (Hymenoptera: Vespidae). Ethology 105: 273-282.



O'Donnell, S. 1998. Dominance and polyethism in the eusocial wasp Mischocyttarus mastigophorus (Hymenoptera: Vespidae). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 43: 327-331.

O'Donnell, S. 1998. Effects of experimental forager removals on division of labour in the primitively eusocial wasp Polistes instabilis (Hymenoptera: Vespidae). Behaviour 135: 173-193.

O'Donnell, S. 1998. Genetic effects on task performance, but not on age polyethism, in a swarm-founding eusocial wasp. Animal Behaviour 55: 417-426.

O'Donnell, S. 1998. Reproductive caste determination in eusocial wasps (Hymenoptera: Vespidae). Annual Review of Entomology 43: 323-346.



O'Donnell, S., J.H. Hunt, & R.L. Jeanne.1997. Gaster-flagging during colony defense in Neotropical swarm-founding wasps (Hymenoptera: Vespidae, Epiponini). Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 70:175-180.

O'Donnell, S. 1997. How parasites can promote the expression of social behaviour in their hosts. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 264: 689-694.


While a Post-doc at University of California-Davis (1993-1996)


O'Donnell, S. 1996. Reproductive potential and division of labor in wasps: are queen and worker behavior alternative strategies? Ethology Ecology and Evolution 8: 305-308.

O'Donnell, S. 1996. RAPD markers suggest genotypic effects on forager specialization in a eusocial wasp. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 38: 83-88.

O'Donnell, S. 1996. Dragonflies (Gynacantha nervosa Rambur) avoid wasps (Polybia aequatorialis Zavattari and Mischocyttarus sp.) as prey. Journal of Insect Behavior 9: 159-162.



O'Donnell, S. & R.L. Jeanne. 1995. Worker lipid stores decrease with outside-nest task performance in wasps: implications for the evolution of age polyethism. Experientia 51: 749-752.

O'Donnell, S. & R.L. Jeanne. 1995. Implications of senescence patterns for the evolution of age polyethism in eusocial insects. Behavioral Ecology 6: 269-273.

O'Donnell, S. 1995. Division of labor in post-emergence colonies of the primitively eusocial wasp Polistes instabilis de Saussure (Hymenoptera: Vespidae). Insectes Sociaux 42: 17-29.

O'Donnell, S. & R.L. Jeanne. 1995. The roles of body size and dominance in division of labor among workers of the eusocial wasp Polybia occidentalis. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 68: 43-50.

O'Donnell, S. 1995. Necrophagy by neotropical swarm-founding wasps (Hymenoptera: Vespidae, Epiponini). Biotropica 27: 133-136.



O'Donnell, S. 1994. Nestmate copulation in the Neotropical eusocial wasp Polistes instabilis de Saussure (Hymenoptera: Vespidae). Psyche 101: 33-36.


While in Graduate school, University of Wisconsin-Madison (1987-1993)


O'Donnell, S. & R.L. Jeanne. 1993. Methoprene accelerates age polyethism in workers of a social wasp (Polybia occidentalis). Physiological Entomology 18: 189-194.

O'Donnell, S. 1993. Interactions of predaceous katydids (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) with Neotropical social wasps (Hymenoptera: Vespidae): are wasps a defense mechanism or prey? Entomological News 104: 39-42.



O'Donnell, S. & R.L. Jeanne. 1992. Life-long patterns of forager behaviour in a tropical swarm-founding wasp: effects of specialization and activity level on longevity. Animal Behaviour 44: 1021-1027.

O'Donnell, S. & R.L. Jeanne. 1992. Forager success increases with experience in Polybia occidentalis (Hymenoptera: Vespidae). Insectes Sociaux 39: 451-454.

O'Donnell, S. & R.L. Jeanne. 1992. The effects of colony characteristics on longevity and foraging behavior of individual wasps (Polybia occidentalis, Hymenoptera: Vespidae, Epiponini). Insectes Sociaux 39: 73-80.



O'Donnell, S. & R.L. Jeanne. 1991. Interspecific occupation of a tropical social wasp colony (Polistes, Hymenoptera: Vespidae). Journal of Insect Behavior 4: 397-400.



O'Donnell, S. & R.L. Jeanne. 1990. Forager specialization and the control of nest repair in Polybia occidentalis Olivier (Hymenoptera: Vespidae). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 27: 359-364.

O'Donnell, S. & R.L. Jeanne. 1990. Notes on an army ant (Eciton burchelli Westwood) raid of a social wasp nest (Agelaia yepocapa Richards) in Costa Rica. Journal of Tropical Ecology 6: 507-509.



O'Donnell, S. 1989. A comparison of fruit removal by bats and birds from Piper hispidum Sw (Piperaceae), a tropical second growth shrub. Brenesia 31: 25-32.